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Monday, November 6, 2017

Garnsey Park(Clifton Park)

After leaving the Christiana Natural Area in East Glenville I headed east over to Garnsey Park, which is a large, natural area, located on the north side of Route 146 in Clifton Park.  The park provides over 150 acres of green space in an ever growing town.  Breaks of sun mixed with the departing storm clouds provided unusual lighting.  Wide, mowed paths provide easy walking through rolling meadows.  Caught some fleeting glimpses of fall along the bluebird trail.
 An open meadow provides pleasant southeast views.
 From the open meadow, I caught a glimpse of an aging red barn, side by side with rushing traffic along Route 146.
 Just past the meadow, I entered the woods, following the Ridge Trail. This trail is a one mile loop along a high ridge(the second highest point in town), at a mere 411 feet above sea level. 
Have a seat.
 Passed by a "tire graveyard".
 The eerie, fleeting November light.
 Heading up to the top of the ridge.
 The ridge trail passes by several stone walls.
 Early sunsets this time of year, mean little time for lingering around.  Picked up the pace to beat the darkness.
Hiked nearly 2 miles RT at a quiet slice of wilderness in a suburban area.

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