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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Bender Melon Farm Preserve(Town of New Scotland, Albany County)

With a small window of time after work today, I decided to check out 175 acre Bender Melon Farm Preserv, the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy's newest preserve, located off of Hilton Road in the town of New Scotland. I parked in the lot next to the Hilton Barn, which appears to be in some form of rehabilitation and headed east into the woods.

There are two, wide easy to follow stone covered trails
Arriving at a kiosk for the preserve, where the last of fall's colors are still lingering at the start of David's Trail.
Just steps beyond the kiosk is a nice view southwest across an open meadow towards the Albany County hills.
The trail enters the woods heading SE for a short distance, soon coming to a loop option.  I turned left here, where the trail head south, skirting the edge of the meadow.
David's Trail forms a 7/10 of a mile loop through the woods, with the unfortunate sounds of nearby traffic on Route 85a easily audible.
Completed all three trails for a total of just under a mile and a half and surprisingly didn't see anyone else in the woods(although there were many others on the neighboring bike path).  The Conservancy has plans of building more trails here in the future, and I look forward to checking them out.  Another wonderful job by the MHLC of preserving this historic, natural resource for public use.  Many thanks to those who made this happen!


  1. MHLC does a great job on their preserves. Thanks for sharing!

    1. No problem. Yeah, I really do enjoy their preserves...nothing but the best from them!
