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Friday, July 19, 2024

Knob Lock Mountain(Giant Mountain Wilderness-Adirondacks)

Headed north to do a fun bushwhack hike to 3192 foot Knob Lock Mountain(Elizabethtown No. 1), which sits just south of well known Hurricane Mountain and Route 9N in the town of Elizabethtown.  This was my first hike in nearly two months so I wasn't sure what kind of stamina I would have but I was able to get an early start so I could take my time if needed.  Parked at the trailhead for Owls Head Lookout(Elevation 1260 feet) and set out on the trail, following it south for about half a mile, slowly gaining elevation along the way.

Once firmly on state land I left the trail and began my bushwhack up Knob Lock's long east ridge.  The woods began very open and easy going, with occasional areas of open rock offering up solid views.  Here's an early view SE towards Owls Head Lookout.

Early views on the east ridge towards Route 9N and Elizabethtown.

The bushwhack was pretty straightforward, with areas of moderately thick spruce interspersed with open rock, and many good views.  Most of the views were facing south towards neighboring Green Mountain, an Adk Hundred Highest peak that is just shy of 4000 feet itself.

Continuing west along the long east ridge, I finally emerged in the open rocky sub summit with great views west towards Knob Lock's true summit, more than 400 feet higher and less than half a mile away.

Dropping into a small col, the spruce and deadfall became increasingly tougher to get through.

Pushed my way through the widespread blowdown, soon arriving at this viewpoint straight up towards the open rock atop Knob Lock's summit.  From here, I had to weave my way around several enormous cliff bands before finding a way up.

Once atop the summit area, the views were simply breathtaking.  Views are nearly 360 degrees from several different vantage points, such as this view east towards Elizabethtown and Lake Champlain in the distance.


Directly below, slightly SE, is the ridge I had just bushwhacked up, with the open rock I had jsut been on visible to the right.

From the other side of the summit, views stretch far and wide to the NW, with Route 9N running through the valley.  The high point on the horizon is Whiteface Mountain.

The west view encompasses a broader view towards the High Peaks, with Knob Lock's slightly higher neighbor, Tripod Mountain in the foreground.
Directly across Route 9N sits the very popular and well known Hurricane Mountain and its fire tower. 

While I had the incredible summit views atop Knob Lock to myself, I could see numerous cars lined up at the trailhead for Hurricane Mountain down below.

Summit cairn and views.
An up close view of 3980 foot Green Mountain.  This perspective gives an incredible view of the sheer size of this peak.
After enjoying the summit views for about a half hour, I began a long and slow descent off the mountain, leaving the ridge and dropping more directly NE towards the trail.  The woods never really opened up until I got much lower but I still enjoyed the solitude and fresh air that I had been missing so much.

Covered about 5.8 miles total with over 2000 feet of combined ascent.  The humidity and bugs weren't too bad and it was a great day in the woods.

Map below.  

Red X=Parking    Blue X=Summit



  1. Glad to see you back on trail! Always enjoy your visual narratives.

  2. Thaks Jeff! I don't get out nearly as much these days so I try to make the most of it when I can...glad you enjoyed my post!
