What a ride it has been! First of all, I would like to thank everyone that congratulated me on my newborn son. My wife and I have been truly blessed and he is a healthy little boy!
Today would prove to be the day I finally had a chance to get out for a hike in the Taconic woods near the NY/ Mass state line once again. I wanted to check out some more new state land which would provide access to an unnamed 2135 foot peak that I had never been to. I parked on the shoulder of Mattison Hollow Road near its end, where a small strip of state land comes down to meet the road(Elevation 1300 feet) and headed out, blazed in my bright orange vest.
I headed north through the open hardwoods, closely paralleling a small stream, until a point where the state land opens up more.
Having already hit the top of the unnamed ridge north of Mattison Hollow before, I made quick time going up and over a small high point and continuing north down the steep slopes that drop into Browns Hollow. As I descended, I was able to find some pretty good views at the summit ridge across the Hollow that I was aiming for.
Although only 2135 feet, the ridge ahead began to look more and more daunting as I dropped down through northern hardwoods.
Down near the head of hollow, I picked up a good logging road, that lead up to a large clearing with views all around. At just under 1500 feet, this is the view west back up browns Hollow towards the Rensselaer Plateau.

From the same clearing, looking south at the nearby ridge I had just descended.

Just below the clearing, down at the base of the hollow, I came to an easy rock hop crossing of picturesque Browns Hollow Brook flowing swiftly along.
Once across the brook, I picked up a good woods road that quickly dissolved into an overgrown foot path. Turning around, I was able to enjoy a good view of the Mattison Hollow ridge to the south that I had just been on.

Following the state boundary straight up! This was probably the toughest part of the hike, gaining about 500 feet in less than 1/3 of a mile(on fallen leaves).

After a very steep climb, I finally hit the top of the ridge, where there were many filtered views north into Southeast Hollow.
You really never know what you're going to find in the woods, and especially on a bushwhack. I stumbled across not one but two very old cans of paint that must have been used to blaze property lines.

The summit ridge was nice and open and made for smooth sailing up to the wooded 2135 foot summit of the unnamed Browns Hollow Peak.

I continued east from the summit, dropping down on an old logging road with screened views towards Misery Mountain's ridgeline.
Down near the saddle, a small drainage flows down past white rocks, which are quite common for this area of the Taconics.
A short but steep climb brought me up the north slopes of Mattison Hollow's unnamed ridge, with filtered views back into Southeast Hollow.
Up high near the summit, there is one good but small view that takes in Berlin Mountain and its multiple ridgelines.
Just a few yards away from the true 2285 foot nondescript summit(which I had as the actual high spot on the Mattison Hollow ridge) sits a large meadow. There are really no great views from here, but it is a really cool spot nonetheless.
From the summit meadow, I descended SW back towards my original route up, staying high above private land. Arrived back at the car feeling great. A very nice 5.5 miles bushwhack and nearly 2200 feet of ascent combined.
Map Below. Blue X=Parking Red X's=Summit's hit