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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mount Tremper(Catskills)

Drove down to the Catskills to hike 2740 foot Mount Tremper and its fire tower on what was forecast to be yet another beautiful day. Mostly sunny skies were quickly being replaced by thickening clouds as I arrived at the parking area, however.  The trail head can be found 1.6 miles south of the hamlet of Phoenicia along Ulster County Route 40, across from the Esopus Creek. 
 Substantial run off cascading down the steep slopes near the trail's entrance makes for a pleasant scene. 
 The red marked Phoenicia trail climbs up immediately over one hundred feet up stone steps.
 The Phoenicia trail is actually an easy walk up an old woods road, climbing nearly 2000 feet over the course of 3 miles.
 An energetic little stream dropping down the southwest side of the mountain crosses the trail here.
 With the leaves still off the trees there are some screened views of the surrounding mountains to the south and west.
 About 1.2 miles into the hike, a large blue stone quarry comes into view above the trail.  There is a Rattlesnake den located in this quarry, and is an area of the trail where snakes are known to be seen.
 A small section of green in a season of browns and grays. 
 Much of the old woods road is rocky, but footing wasn't really much of an issue.
 Climbing along the gentle woods road, with steep drop offs to the left.
At around 2000 feet in elevation I saw my first signs of snow.  There were very few reminders of winter on the mountain today.
 Just after 2 miles of hiking and nearing 2100 feet in elevation, the Balwin Memorial Lean To can be found via a short spur path.  Several hundred yards away are a privy and dependable spring(which is marked by signage).
 Nearing the summit, snow and ice cling to the trail, but I easily walked around it.
 The Tremper Mountain Lean To and fire pit just before the Fire Tower.
 The restored fire tower can house up to six occupants at a time.  Unfortunately today, the cab was locked.  I climbed up just below the tower cab, where substantial views could still be found.
 A small part of the sprawling Ashokan Reservoir can be seen to the south.
 Here is a view east over the town of Woodstock.  The tiny hamlet of Willow can be seen below with a sliver of Cooper Lake visible just beyond a shoulder of Mount Tobias.
 The snowy summits of the nearby peaks to the southwest.
 Looking north towards many of the Catskill High Peaks.
A panorama to the south.  Unfortunately, the clouds had rolled in pretty thick at this point.
 Rolling peaks of the southern Catskills as far as the eye can see.
Heading back down an icy section of trail, where evergreens prevent the sun from fully coming through.
The last steep stretch of trail back to the trail head along County Route 40.
Hiked a total of 6 miles RT with just under 2000 feet elevation gain on a mostly cloudy but comfortable spring day. 

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